Class | Package | Method | Description | Notes |
Class | java.lang |
forName (Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/Class; | Loads the named class | implemented |
getClassLoader ()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader; | Returns the ClassLoader for the Class | impl ib v1.04a |
getInterfaces ()[Ljava/lang/Class; | Returns an array of interface Classes | impl in v1.05a |
getName ()Ljava/lang/String; | Returns the name of a Class | implemented |
getPrimitiveClass (Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/Class; | Get Class object for primitive types | implemented |
getSuperclass ()Ljava/lang/Class; | Returns the superclass Class | impl in v1.04a |
isArray()Z | Returns true if this Class is an array | dummied |
isAssignableFrom (Ljava/lang/Class;)Z | Returns true if the classes are assignment compatible | impl in v1.04a |
newInstance ()Ljava/lang/Object; | Create a new instance of the Class | implemented |
ClassLoader | java.lang |
init()V | Initializes the ClassLoader | implemented |
getSystemResourceAsStream0 (Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/io/InputStream; | Opens the given file as a Stream | implemented |
findSystemClass0 (Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/Class; | Load the named system class | implemented |
Double | java.lang |
doubleToLongBits(D)J | Convert a double into a set of bits | implemented |
longBitsToDouble(J)D | Convert a set of bits into a double | implemented |
File | |
canRead0()Z | Returns true if file is readable | impl in v1.06a |
delete0()Z | Deletes the file | dummied in v1.04a |
exists0()Z | Returns true if the file exists | implemented |
isAbsolute()Z | Returns true if this is an absolute filename | dummied in v1.06a |
isDirectory0()Z | Returns true if this is a directory | implemented |
isFile0()Z | Returns true if this is a file | implemented |
lastModified0()J | Returns the modification time of the file | implemented |
list0 ()[Ljava/lang/String; | Returns an array of filenames | implemented |
mkdir0()Z | Creates a directory | dummied |
File- Descriptor | |
initSystemFD (Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;I) Ljava/io/FileDescriptor; | Setup stdin, stdout and stderr | implemented |
File- InputStream | |
available()I | Returns number of available bytes | implemented |
open (Ljava/lang/String;)V | Opens the given file | implemented |
read()I | Reads a single byte | implemented |
readBytes([BII)I | Read bytes from a file | implemented |
skip(J)J | Skips given number of bytes | implemented |
close()V | Closes the file | implemented |
File- OutputStream | |
open (Ljava/lang/String;)V | Open a file for writing (new file) | implemented |
openAppend (Ljava/lang/String;)V | Open a file for writing (append) | not implemented |
write(I)V | Write a byte to a file | implemented |
writeBytes([BII)V | Write a sequence of bytes to a file | implemented |
close()V | Closes the file | implemented |
Float | java.lang |
intBitsToFloat(I)F | Convert a set of bits into a float | implemented |
floatToIntBits(F)I | Convert a float into a set of bits | impl in v1.04a |
Math | java.lang |
floor(D)D | Returns the floor of the given double | implemented |
Object | java.lang |
clone ()Ljava/lang/Object; | Returns an exact copy of an object | implemented |
getClass ()Ljava/lang/Class; | Get the Class object associated with this | implemented |
hashCode()I | Returns the hashcode for an object (memory address) | implemented |
notifyAll()V | Notifies all waiting threads | dummied |
wait(J)V | Waits for a subsequent notify | not implemented |
Object- InputStream | |
loadClass0 (Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/Class; | Loads the named class releative to the given Class | implemented |
Object- OutputStream | |
getRefHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I | Returns the hashcode for the object | implemented |
outputClassFields (Ljava/lang/Object; Ljava/lang/Class;[I)V | Writes the fields for the given object? | dummied |
ObjectStream- Class | |
getClassAccess (Ljava/lang/Class;)I | Returns the access flags for given class | impl in v1.05a |
getFields0 (Ljava/lang/Class;) [Ljava/io/ObjectStreamField; | Returns a list of fields for the given class | impl in v1.04a |
getFieldAccess (Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/String;)I | Returns the access flags for the specified field | impl in v1.05a |
getFieldSignatures (Ljava/lang/Class;) [Ljava/lang/String; | Returns a list of the type descriptors for the fields of the class | impl in v1.05a |
getMethodAccess (Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/String;)I | Returns the access flags for the specified method | impl in v1.05a |
getMethodSignatures (Ljava/lang/Class;) [Ljava/lang/String; | Returns a list of the type descriptors for the methods of the class | impl in v1.05a |
getSerialVersionUID (Ljava/lang/Class;)J | Returns the hard-coded serial version UID for the given class | dummied in v1.04a |
hasWriteObject (Ljava/lang/Class;)Z | Returns true if the given class has a writeObject() method | dummied in v1.05a |
RandomAccess- File | |
open (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V | Opens the given file | implemented |
Runtime | java.lang |
buildLibName (Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/String; | Builds up the name of a native library | implemented |
exitInternal(I)V | Exit the Virtual Machine | implemented |
initializeLinkerInternal ()Ljava/lang/String; | Initializes the linker | implemented |
loadFileInternal (Ljava/lang/String;)I | Loads the named native library | dummied |
traceInstructions(Z)V | Turn on/off instruction tracing | debug only |
traceMethodCalls(Z)V | Turn on/off method tracing | debug only |
Security- Manager | java.lang |
classLoaderDepth()I | Returns number of class loaders on stack | dummied |
currentClassLoader ()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader; | Returns the current class loader or null | dummied |
getClassContext ()[Ljava/lang/Class; | Returns Class for each stack frame | impl in v1.04a |
System | java.lang |
arraycopy (Ljava/lang/Object;I Ljava/lang/Object;II)V | Copy all or part of an array | byte arrays only |
currentTimeMillis()J | Current time in milliseconds | implemented |
initProperties (Ljava/util/Properties;) Ljava/util/Properties; | Initialise properties (from command line) | dummied |
setIn0 (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V | Set standard input stream | implemented |
setOut0 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V | Set standard output stream | implemented |
setErr0 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V | Set standard error stream | implemented |
Thread | java.lang |
currentThread ()Ljava/lang/Thread; | Returns a handle on the current thread | implemented |
setPriority0(I)V | Sets the threads priority | dummied in v1.04a |
start()V | Starts the thread | not implemented |
Throwable | java.lang |
fillInStackTrace ()Ljava/lang/Throwable; | Store current stack trace in exception object | implemented |
printStackTrace0 (Ljava/lang/Object;)V | Display stack trace from exception | implemented |